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Model SASD30HA
Bearings 8CRBB, 1RB
Gear Ratio 6.4:1
Line Per Handle Turn 39.5"
Line Capacity
Mono 235/25, 295/20, 490/14 (yd/lb)
Braid 380/40, 280/50 (yd/lb)
Drag Max Strike 17.6

Daiwa Saltiga Star Drag Conventional Reels boast a narrow spool with spool lock, an advanced gear design, large swept handle, and super grip EVA knob. In addition, Daiwa's Mag Seal Technology prevents intrusion by water, salt, and dust.
The Daiwa SASD30HA Saltiga Star Drag Conventional Reel is a conventional reel made for saltwater fishing applications. It's made with a precision machined aluminum one piece frame and side plate.
- Digigear System
- Carbon ATD
- Centrifugal cast control
- Soft touch custom handle knob
- Machined aluminum free floating spool
- Spool click
- Right hand models only
Model SASD30HA
Mono 235/25, 295/20, 490/14 (yd/lb)
Braid 380/40, 280/50 (yd/lb)